Marc Newson. Gentleman of the month

Marc Newson is arguably one of the most well known product designers in the world today. However you won’t be hearing much from him over the coming years. The reason for his dip in profile, is that he’s joined the tech giant Apple’s design team, so all of his work will now be shrouded in secrecy. Luckily before he completely disappears a few of his recent projects are still creating waves around the world.

At the end of August Newson unveiled his range of pens for Montblanc. The ‘m’ series is the only pen in Montblanc’s history to not be designed by its in-house team. These pens are beautiful. If that seems like a strong word for a pen, then just take a look.


Earlier in the year Newson entered the record books when his Lockheed lounge chair sold for a staggering £2.4 million at auction. Making it the most valuable piece of furniture sold by any living designer.

With the Apple Watch gaining momentum, the new Apple campus taking shape and talk of an Apple Car in the pipeline, we can only imagine what this creative gentleman will be dazzling us with in the future.

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